Detachment is not that you should own nothing, but that nothing should own you. — Ali ibn abi Talib

2 min readJan 10, 2022

Attach yourself to now for its truly the
only thing we have.

Photo by Noah Silliman on Unsplash

Detach yourself from the things you have no control over, don’t obsess over what’s out of your current reach, don’t stress over the mountains you’re unable to climb yet.

With as much things we want to do and gain in this life, there’s only so much time to accomplish them that its up to fate to just how much we will be able to;

That’s not to say that we can’t prioritize and place them in order, which will give us the opportunity at least to pursue that of which holds the utmost importance and meaning.

In terms of material things.
The fruits of our labor will rot along with us if we take them to our graves. Set some aside to ease your worries, share it with others to create beautiful memories, and set some aside for yourself to simply enjoy.

Detachment does not mean we are to refrain from owning, it means we are not to crumble from the lost of it.

We’re all living on borrowed time, this life is a gift we are meant to experience and enjoy, detachment then lies on the concept of ephemerality for even this life isn’t yours to keep.

To practice detachment is to prepare oneself for the inevitable.

A few things I want to impart,

Know what you want, accept the uncontrollable things as they are, achieve what you can, enjoy life while its there.




Literature, art, poetry and writings; about life and mortality.