Time is the enemy we are most grateful for.
The thought one often thinks,

Time is against us as its never on our side; just when you think you’re getting the knack for it, time knocks you out.
Always in a rush to keep up with the hands of time with the thought that you are running out of it.
What do you get out of it, nothing but a glimpse of the pinnacle and not a single taste at all.
Hustling your whole life just for your life to stop, can’t hustle your way out, no negotiations when its time for you to clock out.
The one thing we wish to push back yet its the one thing that pushes us towards our goal.
The thing is, time is not evil but indifferent towards us all, as time wasted speaks more of the individual than anything at all.
Time isn’t the enemy when its just you who’s holding you back all along.
We are bounded by time yet our actions in our time are not bounded by it at all.
After all, there’s no better time to be alive despite the little time we have in this world, better to have lived, than not having to have lived at all.